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LANGUAGE_NAME Greek LANGUAGE_FILE Greek LANGUAGE_ISO el LANGUAGE_AUTHOR Michael Papadakis (mikepap at freemail dot gr)\r\n LANGUAGE_CHARSET ISO-8859-7 LANGUAGE_WINDOWSID Greek OK ┼φ⌠▄εσΘ Cancel óΩ⌡±∩ Exit ╕ε∩Σ∩≥ Close ╩δσ▀≤Θ∞∩ Cancel changes ┴Ω²±∙≤τ ßδδßπ■φ Click to confirm ╩δΘΩ πΘß σ≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤τ Click to get help! ╩δΘΩ πΘß φß ≡▄±σ⌠σ Γ∩▐ΦσΘß! Click to return to previous screen ╩δΘΩ πΘß φß σ≡Θ≤⌠±▌°σ⌠σ ≤⌠τφ ≡±∩τπ∩²∞σφτ ∩Φⁿφτ Click to go to next screen ╩δΘΩ πΘß φß ≡▄⌠σ ≤⌠τφ σ≡ⁿ∞σφτ ∩Φⁿφτ Hide password ┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ ≤⌡φΦτ∞ß⌠ΘΩ∩² Save project ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ σ±πß≤▀ß≥ Close current project? ╚ß Ωδσ▀≤σ⌠σ ⌠τφ ≡ß±∩²≤ß σ±πß≤▀ß; Delete this project? ╚ß ≤Γ▐≤σ⌠σ ⌠τφ ≡ß±∩²≤ß σ±πß≤▀ß; Delete empty project %s? ╙Γ▐≤Θ∞∩ ⌠τ≥ Ωσφ▐≥ σ±πß≤▀ß≥ %s; Action not yet implemented ╟ σφ▌±πσΘß ß⌡⌠▐ Σσφ ▌≈σΘ ⌡δ∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀ ßΩⁿ∞ß Error deleting this project ╨±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩ ≤Γ▐≤Θ∞∩ ß⌡⌠▐≥ ⌠τ≥ σ±πß≤▀ß≥ Select a rule for the filter ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ ▌φß Ωßφⁿφß πΘß ⌠∩ ÷▀δ⌠±∩ Enter keywords for the filter ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠▐≤⌠σ δ▌εσΘ≥-ΩδσΘΣΘ▄ πΘß ⌠∩ ÷▀δ⌠±∩ Cancel óΩ⌡±∩ Add this rule ╨±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ Ωßφⁿφß Please enter one or several keyword(s) for the rule ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ⌠▐≤⌠σ ∞▀ß ▐ ≡σ±Θ≤≤ⁿ⌠σ±σ≥ δ▌εσΘ≥-ΩδσΘΣΘ▄ πΘß ⌠∩φ Ωßφⁿφß Add Scan Rule ╨±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ Ωßφⁿφß °ßε▀∞ß⌠∩≥ Criterion ╩±Θ⌠▐±Θ∩ String ╓±▄≤τ Add ╨±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ Scan Rules ╩ßφⁿφσ≥ ┴φßµ▐⌠τ≤τ≥ Use wildcards to exclude or include URLs or links.\nYou can put several scan strings on the same line.\nUse spaces as separators.\n\nExample: +*.zip -www.*.com -www.*.edu/cgi-bin/*.cgi ╫±▐≤τ ∞≡ßδßφ⌠▌± πΘß ⌠∩φ ß≡∩ΩδσΘ≤∞ⁿ ▐ ⌠τφ ß≡∩Σ∩≈▐ URLs ▐ links.\n╠≡∩±σ▀⌠σ φß Γ▄δσ⌠σ ß±Ωσ⌠▌≥ ÷±▄≤σΘ≥ ßφ▀≈φσ⌡≤τ≥ ≤⌠τφ ▀ΣΘß π±ß∞∞▐.\n╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤⌠σ Ωσφ▄ πΘß ΣΘß≈∙±Θ≤∞ⁿ.\n\n╨≈: +*.zip -www.*.com -www.*.edu/cgi-bin/*.cgi Exclude links Links ≡∩⌡ ß≡∩Ωδσ▀∩φ⌠ßΘ Include link(s) ╨σ±Θδß∞Γßφⁿ∞σφß links Tip: To have ALL GIF files included, use something like +www.someweb.com/*.gif. \n(+*.gif / -*.gif will include/exclude ALL GIFs from ALL sites) ╙⌡∞Γ∩⌡δ▐: ├Θß φß ≤⌡∞≡σ±Θδ▄Γσ⌠σ ⁿδß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß GIF, ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤⌠σ Ω▄⌠Θ ≤ßφ +www.someweb.com/*.gif. \n(+*.gif / -*.gif Φß ≤⌡∞≡σ±Θδ▄ΓσΘ/ß≡∩Ωδσ▀≤σΘ ⁿδß ⌠ß GIFs ß≡ⁿ ⁿδσ≥ ⌠Θ≥ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀σ≥) Save prefs ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ≡±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σ∙φ Matching links will be excluded: ╘ß links ≡∩⌡ ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄µ∩⌡φ Φß ß≡∩ΩδσΘ≤⌠∩²φ Matching links will be included: ╘ß links ≡∩⌡ ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄µ∩⌡φ Φß ≤⌡∞≡σ±Θδτ÷Φ∩²φ Example: ╨ß±▄ΣσΘπ∞ß: gif\r\nWill match all GIF files gif\r\n╚ß ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄εσΘ ⁿδß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß GIF blue\r\nWill find all files with a matching 'blue' sub-string such as 'bluesky-small.jpeg' blue\r\n╚ß Γ±σΘ ⁿδß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß ∞σ ⌠τ ÷±▄≤τ 'blue' ⁿ≡∙≥ ⌠∩ 'bluesky-small.jpeg' bigfile.mov\r\nWill match the file 'bigfile.mov', but not 'bigfile2.mov' bigfile.mov\r\n╚ß ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄εσΘ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ 'bigfile.mov', ßδδ▄ ⁿ≈Θ ⌠∩ 'bigfile2.mov' cgi\r\nWill find links with folder name matching sub-string 'cgi' such as /cgi-bin/somecgi.cgi cgi\r\n╚ß Γ±σ▀ links ∞σ ⁿφ∩∞ß ÷ßΩ▌δ∩⌡ ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θ▌≈σΘ ⌠∩ 'cgi', ⁿ≡∙≥ /cgi-bin/somecgi.cgi cgi-bin\r\nWill find links with folder name matching whole 'cgi-bin' string (but not cgi-bin-2, for example) cgi-bin\r\n╚ß Γ±σ▀ links ∞σ ⁿφ∩∞ß ÷ßΩ▌δ∩⌡ ≡∩⌡ ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄µσΘ ∞σ ⁿδ∩ ⌠∩ 'cgi-bin', ßδδ▄ ⁿ≈Θ ⌠∩ 'cgi-bin-2' someweb.com\r\nWill find links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com, private.someweb.com etc. someweb.com\r\n╚ß Γ±σ▀ links ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θ▌≈∩⌡φ ⌠τ ÷±▄≤τ, ≤ßφ ⌠ß www.someweb.com, private.someweb.com Ωδ≡. someweb\r\nWill find links with matching folder sub-string such as www.someweb.com, www.someweb.edu, private.someweb.otherweb.com etc. someweb\r\n╚ß Γ±σ▀ links ≤σ ÷ßΩ▌δ∩⌡≥ ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θ▌≈∩⌡φ ⌠τ ÷±▄≤τ, ≤ßφ ⌠ß www.someweb.com, www.someweb.edu, private.someweb.otherweb.com Ωδ≡. www.someweb.com\r\nWill find links matching whole 'www.someweb.com' sub-string (but not links such as private.someweb.com/..) www.someweb.com\r\n╚ß Γ±σ▀ links ≡∩⌡ ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄µ∩⌡φ ∞σ ⁿδ∩ ⌠∩ 'www.someweb.com', ßδδ▄ ⁿ≈Θ ⌠∩ 'private.someweb.com'. someweb\r\nWill find any links with matching sub-string such as www.someweb.com/.., www.test.abc/fromsomeweb/index.html, www.test.abc/test/someweb.html etc. someweb\r\n╚ß Γ±σ▀ links ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θ▌≈∩⌡φ ⌠τ ÷±▄≤τ ∩≡∩⌡Σ▐≡∩⌠σ ≤⌠∩ URL, ⁿ≡∙≥ ⌠ß www.someweb.com/.., www.test.abc/fromsomeweb/index.html, www.test.abc/test/someweb.html Ωδ≡. www.test.com/test/someweb.html\r\nWill only find the 'www.test.com/test/someweb.html' file. Note that you have to type the complete path (URL + site path) www.test.com/test/someweb.html\r\n╚ß Γ±σ▀ ∞ⁿφ∩ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ 'www.test.com/test/someweb.html'. ╨±∩≤▌ε⌠σ ⁿ⌠Θ Φß ≡±▌≡σΘ φß π±▄°σ⌠σ ⁿδτ ⌠τ ΣΘßΣ±∩∞▐. All links will match ╝δß ⌠ß links Φß ⌠ßΘ±Θ▄ε∩⌡φ Add exclusion filter ╨±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ ÷▀δ⌠±∩⌡ ß≡ⁿ±±Θ°τ≥ Add inclusion filter ╨±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ ÷▀δ⌠±∩⌡ ß≡∩Σ∩≈▐≥ Existing filters ╒≡▄±≈∩φ⌠ß ÷▀δ⌠±ß Cancel changes ┴Ω²±∙≤τ ßδδßπ■φ Save current preferences as default values ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∙±Θφ■φ ≡±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σ∙φ ∙≥ ≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐ Click to confirm ╩δΘΩ πΘß σ≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤τ No log files in %s! ─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ß±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ ≤⌠∩ %s! No 'index.html' file in %s! ─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ß±≈σ▀∩ 'index.html' ≤⌠∩ %s! Click to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier ╩δΘΩ πΘß φß σπΩß⌠ßδσ▀°σ⌠σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack Website Copier View log files ┴±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ Browse HTML start page óφ∩Θπ∞ß ⌠τ≥ ß±≈ΘΩ▐≥ ≤σδ▀Σß≥ End of mirror ╘▌δ∩≥ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ View log files ┴±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ Browse Mirrored Website ┴φ⌠Θπ±ß∞∞▌φ∩≥ ⌠ⁿ≡∩≥ New project... ═▌ß σ±πß≤▀ß... View error and warning reports ╨±∩Γ∩δ▐ ßφß÷∩±▄≥ ≡±∩Γδτ∞▄⌠∙φ ΩßΘ ≡±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ∙φ View report ╨±∩Γ∩δ▐ ßφß÷∩±▄≥ Close the log file window ╩δσ▀≤Θ∞∩ ⌠∩⌡ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ Info type: ╘²≡∩≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ: Errors ╦▄Φτ Infos ╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ Find ┴φßµ▐⌠τ≤τ Find a word ┴φßµ▐⌠τ≤τ δ▌ετ≥ Info log file ┴±≈σ▀∩ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ Warning/Errors log file ╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ≥/╦▄Φτ Unable to initialize the OLE system ┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ß±≈ΘΩ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ≤⌡≤⌠▐∞ß⌠∩≥ OLE WinHTTrack could not find any interrupted download file cache in the specified folder! ╘∩ WinHTTrack Σσφ Γ±▐Ωσ Ωßφ▌φß ∞Θ≤∩⌠σδσΘ∙∞▌φ∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ cache ≤⌠∩φ ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φ∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩! Could not connect to provider ┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ receive δ▐°τ request ß▀⌠τ≤τ connect ≤²φΣσ≤τ search ßφßµ▐⌠τ≤τ ready ßφß∞∩φ▐ error δ▄Φ∩≥ Receiving files.. ╦▐°τ ß±≈σ▀∙φ.. Parsing HTML file.. ╨▄±≤Θ∞∩ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ HTML... Purging files.. ╙Γ▐≤Θ∞∩ ß±≈σ▀∙φ.. Loading cache in progress.. ╓ⁿ±⌠∙∞ß ⌠τ≥ cache ≤σ σε▌δΘετ... Parsing HTML file (testing links).. ╨▄±≤Θ∞∩ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ HTML (▌δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠∙φ links)... Pause - Toggle [Mirror]/[Pause download] to resume operation ╨ß²≤τ - ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ [┴φ⌠▀π±ß÷∩]/[╨ß²≤τ Ωß⌠σΓ▄≤∞ß⌠∩≥] πΘß ≤⌡φ▌≈σΘß ⌠τ≥ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß≥ Finishing pending transfers - Select [Cancel] to stop now! ╘σδσ▀∙∞ß σφσ±π■φ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±■φ - ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ [┴Ω²±∙≤τ] πΘß φß ▄∞σ≤τ ΣΘßΩ∩≡▐! scanning ≤▄±∙≤τ Waiting for scheduled time.. ┴φß∞∩φ▐ ≡±∩π±ß∞∞ß⌠Θ≤∞▌φτ≥ ■±ß≥... Transferring data.. ╠σ⌠ß÷∩±▄ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ... Connecting to provider ┼≡Θ≈σΘ±σ▀⌠ßΘ ≤²φΣσ≤τ [%d seconds] to go before start of operation ┴Ωⁿ∞ß [%d Σσ⌡⌠σ±ⁿδσ≡⌠ß] πΘß ⌠τφ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß≥ Site mirroring in progress [%s, %s bytes] ┴φ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ ≤σ σε▌δΘετ [%s, %s bytes] Site mirroring finished! ╟ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐ ⌠τ≥ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ ⌠σδσ▀∙≤σ! A problem occured during the mirroring operation\n ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▐ΦτΩσ ▌φß ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥\n \nDuring:\n \n╩ß⌠ß ⌠τ ΣΘ▄±ΩσΘß:\n \nSee the log file if necessary.\n\nClick FINISH to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack! \n─σ▀⌠σ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ ßφ σ▀φßΘ ß≡ß±ß▀⌠τ⌠∩.\n\n╩δΘΩ ≤⌠∩ ╘┼╦╧╙ πΘß φß σπΩß⌠ßδσ▀°σ⌠σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack Website Copier.\n\n╙ß≥ σ⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠■ πΘß ⌠τφ ≈±▐≤τ ⌠∩⌡ WinHTTrack! Mirroring operation complete.\nClick Exit to quit WinHTTrack.\nSee log file(s) if necessary to ensure that everything is OK.\n\nThanks for using WinHTTrack! ╟ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ ⌠▌δσΘ∙≤σ.\n╩δΘΩ ≤⌠∩ ╕ε∩Σ∩≥ πΘß φß σπΩß⌠ßδσ▀°σ⌠σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack.\n─σ▀⌠σ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ ßφ σ▀φßΘ ß≡ß±ß▀⌠τ⌠∩, ▌⌠≤Θ ■≤⌠σ φß σ≡ΘΓσΓßΘ■≤σ⌠σ ⁿ⌠Θ ⁿδß σ▀φßΘ σφ⌠▄εσΘ.\n\n╙ß≥ σ⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠■ πΘß ⌠τφ ≈±▐≤τ ⌠∩⌡ WinHTTrack! * * MIRROR ABORTED! * *\r\nThe current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the present aborted session.\r\nThe former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache.\r\n[Note: This can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files]\r\n\r\nDo you think the former cache might contain more complete information, and do you want to restore it? * * ╟ ┴═╘╔├╤┴╓╟ ┼├╩┴╘┴╦┼╔╓╚╟╩┼! * *\r\n╟ ≡ß±∩²≤ß ≡±∩≤∙±Θφ▐ cache σ▀φßΘ ß≡ß±ß▀⌠τ⌠τ πΘß Ω▄Φσ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀ß ßφßφ▌∙≤τ≥ ΩßΘ ≡σ±Θδß∞Γ▄φσΘ ∞ⁿφ∩ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φß ≡∩⌡ Ωß⌠▌ΓτΩßφ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τ ΣΘ▄±ΩσΘß ⌠τ≥ ⌠∙±Θφ▐≥ σπΩß⌠ßδσδσΘ∞▌φτ≥ ≡σ±ΘⁿΣ∩⌡.\r\n╟ ≡±∩τπ∩²∞σφτ cache ▀≤∙≥ ≡σ±Θ▌≈σΘ ≡Θ∩ ∩δ∩Ωδτ±∙∞▌φσ≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥. ┴φ Σσφ Φ▌δσ⌠σ φß ≈▄≤σ⌠σ ß⌡⌠▌≥ ⌠Θ≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥, ≡±▌≡σΘ φß φß ⌠Θ≥ ßφßΩ⌠▐≤σ⌠σ ΩßΘ φß ΣΘßπ±▄°σ⌠σ ⌠τφ ≡ß±∩²≤ß cache.\r\n[╙τ∞σ▀∙≤τ: ┴⌡⌠ⁿ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß π▀φσΘ σ²Ω∩δß ≤Γ▐φ∩φ⌠ß≥ ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß hts-cache/new.*]\r\n\r\n═∩∞▀µσ⌠σ ≡∙≥ τ ≡±∩τπ∩²∞σφτ cache ▀≤∙≥ ≡σ±Θ▌≈σΘ ≡Θ∩ ∩δ∩Ωδτ±∙∞▌φσ≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ ΩßΘ Φ▌δσ⌠σ φß ⌠τφ ßφßΩ⌠▐≤σ⌠σ; * * MIRROR ERROR! * *\r\nHTTrack has detected that the current mirror is empty. If it was an update, the previous mirror has been restored.\r\nReason: the first page(s) either could not be found, or a connection problem occured.\r\n=> Ensure that the website still exists, and/or check your proxy settings! <= * * ╙╓┴╦╠┴ ┴═╘╔├╤┴╓╟╙ * *\r\n╘∩ WinHTTrack ßφßΩ▄δ⌡°σ ≡∙≥ ⌠∩ ≡ß±ⁿφ ßφ⌠▀π±ß÷∩ σ▀φßΘ ▄ΣσΘ∩. ┴φ ▐⌠ßφ ∞Θß ßφßφ▌∙≤τ, ⌠∩ ≡±∩τπ∩²∞σφ∩ ßφ⌠▀π±ß÷∩ ßφßΩ⌠▐ΦτΩσ.\r\n╦ⁿπ∩≥: ╧Θ ≡±■⌠τ(σ≥) ≤σδ▀Σß(σ≥) σ▀⌠σ Σσφ Γ±▌ΦτΩßφ ▐ ⌡≡▐±εσ ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ≤²φΣσ≤τ.\r\n=> ┼≡ΘΓσΓßΘ■≤⌠σ ⁿ⌠Θ τ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ßΩⁿ∞ß ΩßΘ/▐ σδ▌πε⌠σ ⌠Θ≥ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ ⌠∩⌡ proxy ≤ß≥! <= \n\nTip: Click [View log file] to see warning or error messages \n\n╙⌡∞Γ∩⌡δ▐: ╩δΘΩ ≤⌠∩ [╨±∩Γ∩δ▐ ß±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ] πΘß φß Σσ▀⌠σ ∞τφ²∞ß⌠ß ≡±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ∙φ ▐ δßΦ■φ Error deleting a hts-cache/new.* file, please do it manually ╙÷▄δ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠∩ ≤Γ▐≤Θ∞∩ σφⁿ≥ hts-cache/new.* ß±≈σ▀∩⌡, ≡ß±ßΩßδ■ Ω▄φ⌠σ ⌠∩ ∞ⁿφ∩Θ ≤ß≥ Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier? ╚▌δσ⌠σ ≡±▄π∞ß⌠Θ φß σπΩß⌠ßδσ▀°σ⌠σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack Website Copier; - Mirroring Mode -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box - ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ -\n\n╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) ≤⌠τ Φ▌≤τ URL - Interactive Wizard Mode (questions) -\n\nEnter address(es) in URL box - ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ Γ∩τΦ∩² ∞σ ßδδτδσ≡▀Σ±ß≤τ (σ±∙⌠▐≤σΘ≥) --\n\n╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) ≤⌠τ Φ▌≤τ URL - File Download Mode -\n\nEnter file address(es) in URL box - ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ Ωß⌠σΓ▄≤∞ß⌠∩≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ -\n\n╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ≤⌠τ Φ▌≤τ URL - Link Testing Mode -\n\nEnter Web address(es) with links to test in URL box - ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ σδ▌π≈∩⌡ link -\n\n╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) ∞σ link(s) πΘß ▌δσπ≈∩ ≤⌠τ Φ▌≤τ URL - Update Mode -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button - ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ σφτ∞▌±∙≤τ≥ -\n\n┼≡ΘΓσΓßΘ■≤⌠σ ⌠τφ(⌠Θ≥) ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) ≤⌠τ Φ▌≤τ URL, σδ▌πε⌠σ ⌠Θ≥ ≡ß±ß∞▌⌠±∩⌡≥ ßφ σ▀φßΘ ß≡ß±ß▀⌠τ⌠∩ ΩßΘ ∞σ⌠▄ ΩδΘΩ ≤⌠∩ '┼≡ⁿ∞σφ∩' - Resume Mode (Interrupted Operation) -\n\nVerify address(es) in URL box, check parameters if necessary then click on 'NEXT' button - ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ ≤⌡φ▌≈Θ≤τ≥ (╟ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß ΣΘßΩⁿ≡τΩσ) -\n\n┼≡ΘΓσΓßΘ■≤⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) ≤⌠τ Φ▌≤τ URL, σδ▌πε⌠σ ⌠Θ≥ ≡ß±ß∞▌⌠±∩⌡≥ ßφ σ▀φßΘ ß≡ß±ß▀⌠τ⌠∩ ΩßΘ ∞σ⌠▄ ΩδΘΩ ≤⌠∩ '┼≡ⁿ∞σφ∩'. Log files Path ─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ Path ─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐ - Links List Mode -\n\nUse URL box to enter address(es) of page(s) containing links to mirror - ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ δ▀≤⌠ß≥ ⌠∙φ links -\n\n╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤⌠σ ⌠τ Φ▌≤τ URL πΘß φß Γ▄δσ⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) ß≡ⁿ ≤σδ▀Σß(σ≥) ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θ▌≈σΘ(∩⌡φ) links πΘß ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐. New project / Import? ═▌ß σ±πß≤▀ß / ┼Θ≤ßπ∙π▐; Choose criterion ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ Ω±Θ⌠▐±Θ∩ Maximum link scanning depth ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ Γ▄Φ∩≥ °ßε▀∞ß⌠∩≥ link Enter address(es) here ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠▐≤⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) σΣ■ Define additional filtering rules ╧±▀≤⌠σ ≡±ⁿ≤Φσ⌠∩⌡≥ Ωßφⁿφσ≥ ÷Θδ⌠±ß±▀≤∞ß⌠∩≥ Proxy Name (if needed) ╝φ∩∞ß Proxy (ßφ ≈±σΘ▄µσ⌠ßΘ) Proxy Port Port ⌠∩⌡ proxy Define proxy settings ╧±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ proxy Use standard HTTP proxy as FTP proxy ╫±▐≤τ Ωßφ∩φΘΩ∩² HTTP proxy, ≤ßφ FTP proxy Path ─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐ Select Path ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ΣΘßΣ±∩∞▐≥ Path ─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐ Select Path ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ΣΘßΣ±∩∞▐≥ Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier ┼πΩß⌠▄δσΘ°τ ⌠∩⌡ WinHTTrack Website Copier About WinHTTrack ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩ▄ ∞σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack Save current preferences as default values ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∙φ ⌠∙±Θφ■φ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ ∙≥ ≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐ Click to continue ╩δΘΩ πΘß ≤⌡φ▌≈σΘß Click to define options ╩δΘΩ πΘß ∩±Θ≤∞ⁿ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ Click to add a URL ╩δΘΩ πΘß ≡±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ σφⁿ≥ URL Load URL(s) from text file ╓ⁿ±⌠∙∞ß URL(s) ß≡ⁿ ß±≈σ▀∩ ΩσΘ∞▌φ∩⌡ WinHTTrack preferences (*.opt)|*.opt|| ╨±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σΘ≥ WinHTTrack (*.opt)|*.opt|| Address List text file (*.txt)|*.txt|| ╦▀≤⌠ß ΣΘσ⌡Φ²φ≤σ∙φ (*.txt)|*.txt|| File not found! ╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ Σσφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ! Do you really want to change the project name/path? ╚▌δσ⌠σ ≡±▄π∞ß⌠Θ φß ßδδ▄εσ⌠σ ⁿφ∩∞ß/ΣΘßΣ±∩∞▐ ⌠τ≥ σ±πß≤▀ß≥; Load user-default options? ╓ⁿ±⌠∙∞ß ⌠∙φ ≡±∩±⌡Φ∞Θ≤∞▌φ∙φ σ≡Θδ∩π■φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ; Save user-default options? ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∙φ ≡±∩±⌡Φ∞Θ≤∞▌φ∙φ σ≡Θδ∩π■φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ; Reset all default options? ┼≡ßφß⌠∩≡∩Φ▌⌠τ≤τ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ≡±∩±⌡Φ∞Θ≤∞▌φ∙φ σ≡Θδ∩π■φ; Welcome to WinHTTrack! ╩ßδ■≥ ▐±Φß⌠σ ≤⌠∩ WinHTTrack! Action: ┼φ▌±πσΘß: Max Depth ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ Γ▄Φ∩≥ Maximum external depth: ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩⁿ Γ▄Φ∩≥ Filters (refuse/accept links) : ╓▀δ⌠±ß (▄±φτ≤τ/ß≡∩Σ∩≈▐ links) : Paths ─ΘßΣ±∩∞▌≥ Save prefs ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ≡±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σ∙φ Define.. ╧±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥... Set options.. ╘∩≡∩Φ▌⌠τ≤τ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ... Preferences and mirror options: ╨±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σΘ≥ ΩßΘ σ≡Θδ∩π▌≥ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ Project name ╝φ∩∞ß σ±πß≤▀ß≥ Add a URL... ╨±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ σφⁿ≥ URL... Web Addresses: (URL) ─Θσ⌡Φ²φ≤σΘ≥ Web: (URL) Stop WinHTTrack? ╙⌠ß∞▄⌠τ∞ß ⌠∩⌡ WinHTTrack; No log files in %s! ─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ß±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ ≤⌠∩ %s! Pause Download? ╨ß²≤τ Ωß⌠σΓ▄≤∞ß⌠∩≥; Stop the mirroring operation ╙⌠ß∞▄⌠τ∞ß ⌠τ≥ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß≥ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ Minimize to System Tray ┼δß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ≤⌠τφ ∞≡▄±ß ≤⌡≤⌠▐∞ß⌠∩≥ Click to skip a link or stop parsing ╩δΘΩ πΘß ≡ß±▄Ωß∞°τ σφⁿ≥ link ▐ ≤⌠ß∞▄⌠τ∞ß ≡ß±≤▀∞ß⌠∩≥ Click to skip a link ╩δΘΩ πΘß ≡ß±▄Ωß∞°τ σφⁿ≥ link Bytes saved ╙∙≤∞▌φß bytes Links scanned ╙ß±∙∞▌φß links Time: ╫±ⁿφ∩≥: Connections: ╙⌡φΣ▌≤σΘ≥: Running: ╠σ⌠ß÷∩±▌≥ Hide ┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ Transfer rate ╘ß≈²⌠τ⌠ß SKIP ╨┴╤┴╦┼╔╪╟ Information ╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ Files written: ╙■ΦτΩßφ: Files updated: ┼φτ∞σ±■≤σΘ≥: Errors: ╦▄Φτ: In progress: ┼φ▌±πσΘσ≥: Follow external links ┴Ω∩δ∩²Φτ≤τ σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ■φ links Test all links in pages ╕δσπ≈∩≥ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ links ≤⌠Θ≥ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ Try to ferret out all links ╨±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘß ßφßΩ▄δ⌡°τ≥ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ links Download HTML files first (faster) ╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ HTML ≡±■⌠ß (π±τπ∩±ⁿ⌠σ±∩) Choose local site structure ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ ⌠∩≡ΘΩ▐ Σ∩∞▐ ⌠∩⌡ ΣΘΩ⌠⌡ßΩ∩² ⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡ Set user-defined structure on disk ┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ Σ∩∞▐≥ ≤⌠∩φ Σ▀≤Ω∩ ≡∩⌡ ∩±▀≤⌠τΩσ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩ ≈±▐≤⌠τ Use a cache for updates and retries ╫±▐≤τ ⌠τ≥ cache πΘß σφτ∞σ±■≤σΘ≥ ΩßΘ σ≡ßφßδ▐°σΘ≥ Do not update zero size or user-erased files ═ß ∞τφ σφτ∞σ±∙Φ∩²φ ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß ∞τΣσφΘΩ∩² ∞σπ▌Φ∩⌡≥ ▐ ⌠ß ≤Γτ≤∞▌φß ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ Create a Start Page ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ß±≈ΘΩ▐≥ ≤σδ▀Σß≥ Create a word database of all html pages ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß δ▀≤⌠ß≥ δ▌εσ∙φ ß≡ⁿ ⁿδσ≥ ⌠Θ≥ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ html Create error logging and report files ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ δßΦ■φ ΩßΘ ßφß÷∩±▄≥ Generate DOS 8-3 filenames ONLY ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ╠╧═╧ ∩φ∩∞▄⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ DOS 8-3 Generate ISO9660 filenames ONLY for CDROM medias ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ╠╧═╧ ∩φ∩∞▄⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ ISO9660, πΘß Σ▀≤Ω∩⌡≥ CD Do not create HTML error pages ═ß ∞τ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦ∩²φ HTML ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ δßΦ■φ Select file types to be saved to disk ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ ⌠²≡∩⌡≥ ß±≈σ▀∙φ ≡∩⌡ Φß ≤∙Φ∩²φ ≤⌠∩ Σ▀≤Ω∩ Select parsing direction ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ Ωß⌠σ²Φ⌡φ≤τ ≡ß±≤▀∞ß⌠∩≥ Select global parsing direction ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ πσφΘΩ▐ Ωß⌠σ²Φ⌡φ≤τ ≡ß±≤▀∞ß⌠∩≥ Setup URL rewriting rules for internal links (downloaded ones) and external links (not downloaded ones) ╤⌡Φ∞▀≤⌠σ ⌠∩⌡≥ Ωßφⁿφσ≥ εßφßπ±ß°▀∞ß⌠∩≥ ⌠∙φ URL πΘß ⌠ß σ≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▄ links (⌠ß Ωß⌠σΓß≤∞▌φß) ΩßΘ ⌠ß σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▄ links (⌠ß ∞τ Ωß⌠σΓß≤∞▌φß) Max simultaneous connections ╠▌πΘ≤⌠σ≥ ⌠ß⌡⌠ⁿ≈±∩φσ≥ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σΘ≥ File timeout ╫±∩φΘΩⁿ ≡σ±ΘΦ■±Θ∩ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ Cancel all links from host if timeout occurs ┴Ω²±∙≤τ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ links ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß ßφ εσ≡σ±ß≤⌠σ▀ ⌠∩ ≈±∩φΘΩⁿ ≡σ±ΘΦ■±Θ∩ Minimum admissible transfer rate ┼δ▄≈Θ≤⌠∩≥ ß≡∩ΣσΩ⌠ⁿ≥ ±⌡Φ∞ⁿ≥ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▄≥ Cancel all links from host if too slow ┴Ω²±∙≤τ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ links ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß ßφ σ▀φßΘ ≡∩δ² ß±π▐ Maximum number of retries on non-fatal errors ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩≥ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ σ≡ßφßδ▐°σ∙φ ≤σ ∞τ Ωß⌠ß≤⌠±∩÷ΘΩ▄ δ▄Φτ Maximum size for any single HTML file ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ πΘß Ω▄Φσ ▌φß ß±≈σ▀∩ HTML Maximum size for any single non-HTML file ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ πΘß Ω▄Φσ ▌φß ß±≈σ▀∩ ≡∩⌡ Σσφ σ▀φßΘ HTML Maximum amount of bytes to retrieve from the Web ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩≥ ⁿπΩ∩≥ ß≡ⁿ bytes ≡∩⌡ Φß ≤∙Φ∩²φ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩ Web Make a pause after downloading this amount of bytes ╨ß²≤τ ∞σ⌠▄ ⌠∩ Ωß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ ≡∩≤∩² ß≡ⁿ bytes Maximum duration time for the mirroring operation ╠▌πΘ≤⌠τ ΣΘ▄±ΩσΘß πΘß ⌠τφ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ Maximum transfer rate ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩≥ ±⌡Φ∞ⁿ≥ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▄≥ Maximum connections/seconds (avoid server overload) ╠▌πΘ≤⌠σ≥ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σΘ≥/Σσ⌡⌠σ±ⁿδσ≡⌠∩ (ß≡∩÷²πσ⌠σ ⌡≡σ±÷ⁿ±⌠∙≤τ ⌠∩⌡ σε⌡≡τ±σ⌠τ⌠▐) Maximum number of links that can be tested (not saved!) ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩≥ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ß≡ⁿ links ≡∩⌡ ∞≡∩±∩²φ φß Σ∩ΩΘ∞ß≤⌠∩²φ (Σσφ ≤■µσ⌠ßΘ!) Browser identity ╘ß⌡⌠ⁿ⌠τ⌠ß ≡∩⌡ Φß Στδ■φσΘ ∩ σεσ±σ⌡φτ⌠▐≥ Comment to be placed in each HTML file ╙≈ⁿδΘß ≡∩⌡ Φß ⌠∩≡∩Φσ⌠τΦ∩²φ ≤σ Ω▄Φσ ß±≈σ▀∩ HTML Back to starting page ╨▀≤∙ ≤⌠τφ ß±≈ΘΩ▐ ≤σδ▀Σß Save current preferences as default values ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∙φ ⌠∙±Θφ■φ ≡±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σ∙φ ∙≥ ≡±∩⌠∩≡∩Φσ⌠τ∞▌φ∙φ ⌠Θ∞■φ Click to continue ╩δΘΩ πΘß ≤⌡φ▌≈σΘß Click to cancel changes ╩δΘΩ πΘß ßΩ²±∙≤τ ßδδßπ■φ Follow local robots rules on sites ┴Ω∩δ∩²Φτ≤τ ⌠∩≡ΘΩ■φ Ωßφⁿφ∙φ ±∩∞≡ⁿ⌠ ≤⌠Θ≥ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀σ≥ Links to non-localised external pages will produce error pages ╘ß links ≤σ ∞τ ⌠∩≡ΘΩ▌≥ σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▌≥ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ Φß Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▐≤∩⌡φ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ ≤÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙φ Do not erase obsolete files after update ╘ß ≡ßδΘ▄ ß±≈σ▀ß φß ∞τφ ≤Γ▐φ∩φ⌠ßΘ ∞σ⌠▄ ß≡ⁿ σφτ∞▌±∙≤τ Accept cookies? ┴≡∩Σ∩≈▐ ⌠∙φ cookies Check document type when unknown? ╕δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠²≡∩⌡ σππ±▄÷∩⌡ ⁿ⌠ßφ σ▀φßΘ ▄πφ∙≤⌠∩ Parse java applets to retrieve included files that must be downloaded? ╨▄±≤Θ∞∩ σ÷ß±∞∩π■φ java πΘß φß ßφßΩ⌠τΦ∩²φ ⌠ß ≤⌡∞≡σ±Θδß∞Γßφⁿ∞σφß ß±≈σ▀ß ≡∩⌡ ≡±▌≡σΘ φß Ωß⌠▌Γ∩⌡φ Store all files in cache instead of HTML only ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ ≤⌠τφ cache ßφ⌠▀ πΘß HTML ∞ⁿφ∩ Log file type (if generated) ╘²≡∩≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ (ßφ Φß Στ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦσ▀) Maximum mirroring depth from root address ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ Γ▄Φ∩≥ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ ±ΘµΘΩ▐ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ Maximum mirroring depth for external/forbidden addresses (0, that is, none, is the default) ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ Γ▄Φ∩≥ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ πΘß σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▌≥/ß≡ßπ∩±σ⌡∞▌φσ≥ ΣΘσ⌡Φ²φ≤σΘ≥ (0, ΣτδßΣ▐ ⌠▀≡∩⌠ß, σ▀φßΘ τ ≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐) Create a debugging file ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ß≡∩≤÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙≤τ≥ Use non-standard requests to get round some server bugs ╫±▐≤τ ∞τ ≤⌡φτΦΘ≤∞▌φ∙φ ßΘ⌠▐≤σ∙φ πΘß ß≡∩÷⌡π▐ ∞σ±ΘΩ■φ ≡±∩Γδτ∞▄⌠∙φ σε⌡≡τ±σ⌠τ⌠■φ Use old HTTP/1.0 requests (limits engine power!) ╫±▐≤τ ≡ßδΘ■φ HTTP/1.0 ßΘ⌠▐≤σ∙φ (≡σ±Θ∩±▀µσΘ ⌠τφ Θ≤≈² ⌠τ≥ ∞τ≈ßφ▐≥!) Attempt to limit retransfers through several tricks (file size test..) ╨±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘß φß ≡σ±Θ∩±Θ≤⌠∩²φ ∩Θ ßφßφσ■≤σΘ≥ ∞▌≤∙ ΣΘß÷ⁿ±∙φ ⌠±ΘΩ (▌δσπ≈∩≥ ∞σπ▌Φ∩⌡≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡...) Attempt to limit the number of links by skipping similar URLs (www.foo.com==foo.com, http=https ..) ╨±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘß ≡σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩² ⌠∩⌡ ß±ΘΦ∞∩² ⌠∙φ links Φσ∙±■φ⌠ß≥ ▀ΣΘß ß⌡⌠▄ ≡∩⌡ ∞∩Θ▄µ∩⌡φ ß±Ωσ⌠▄ (www.foo.com==foo.com, http=https ..) Write external links without login/password ├±▄°Θ∞∩ σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ■φ links ≈∙±▀≥ ⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß ≈±▐≤⌠τ/≤⌡φΦτ∞ß⌠ΘΩⁿ Write internal links without query string ├±▄°Θ∞∩ σ≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩ■φ links ≈∙±▀≥ ÷±▄≤τ ßφßµ▐⌠τ≤τ≥ Get non-HTML files related to a link, eg external .ZIP or pictures ╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ∞τ-HTML ß±≈σ▀∙φ ≤≈σ⌠ΘΩ▄ ∞σ ▌φß link, ≡≈: σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▄ .ZIP ▐ ÷∙⌠∩π±ß÷▀σ≥ Test all links (even forbidden ones) ╕δσπ≈∩≥ ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ links (ßΩⁿ∞ß ΩßΘ ⌠∙φ ß≡ßπ∩±σ⌡∞▌φ∙φ) Try to catch all URLs (even in unknown tags/code) ╨±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘß φß ≡ß±Φ∩²φ ⁿδß ⌠ß URLs (ßΩⁿ∞ß ΩßΘ ≤σ ▄πφ∙≤⌠ß tags/Ω■ΣΘΩß) Get HTML files first! ╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ß±≈ΘΩ▄ ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ HTML! Structure type (how links are saved) ╘²≡∩≥ Σ∩∞▐≥ (≡∙≥ ≤■µ∩φ⌠ßΘ ⌠ß links) Use a cache for updates ╫±▐≤τ ⌠τ≥ cache πΘß σφτ∞σ±■≤σΘ≥ Do not re-download locally erased files ╘ß ⌠∩≡ΘΩ▄ ≤Γτ≤∞▌φß ß±≈σ▀ß φß ∞τφ εßφßΩß⌠▌Γ∩⌡φ Make an index ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß σ⌡±σ⌠τ±▀∩⌡ Make a word database ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß Γ▄≤τ≥-ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ δ▌εσ∙φ Log files ┴±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ DOS names (8+3) ╧φⁿ∞ß⌠ß DOS (8+3) ISO9660 names (CDROM) ╧φⁿ∞ß⌠ß ISO9660 (CDROM) No error pages ╫∙±▀≥ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ ≤÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙φ Primary Scan Rule ┬ß≤ΘΩⁿ≥ Ωßφⁿφß≥ °ßε▀∞ß⌠∩≥ Travel mode ╙⌠⌡δ ⌠ßεΘΣΘ∩² Global travel mode ├σφΘΩⁿ ≤⌠⌡δ ⌠ßεΘΣΘ∩² These options should be modified only exceptionally ┴⌡⌠▌≥ ∩Θ σ≡Θδ∩π▌≥ ≡±▌≡σΘ φß ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩Θ∩²φ⌠ßΘ ≤≡▄φΘß Activate Debugging Mode (winhttrack.log) ┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ Ωß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ≥ ß≡∩≤÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙≤τ≥ (winhttrack.log) Rewrite links: internal / external ╬ßφßπ±▄°Θ∞∩ ⌠∙φ links: σ≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▄/σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▄ Flow control ╕δσπ≈∩≥ ±∩▐≥ Limits ╝±Θß Identity ╘ß⌡⌠ⁿ⌠τ⌠ß HTML footer ╙τ∞σ▀∙≤τ HTML N# connections ┴±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σ∙φ Abandon host if error ┼πΩß⌠▄δσΘ°τ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ ≤σ ≤÷▄δ∞ß Minimum transfer rate (B/s) ┼δ▄≈Θ≤⌠∩≥ ±⌡Φ∞ⁿ≥ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▄≥ Abandon host if too slow ┼πΩß⌠▄δσΘ°τ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ ßφ σ▀φßΘ ≡∩δ² ß±π▐ Configure ╤²Φ∞Θ≤τ Use proxy for ftp transfers ╫±▐≤τ proxy πΘß ftp ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▌≥ TimeOut(s) ╫±∩φΘΩⁿ ≡σ±ΘΦ■±Θ∩ Persistent connections (Keep-Alive) ╙⌡φσ≈σ▀≥ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σΘ≥ (ΣΘß⌠▐±τ≤τ) Reduce connection time and type lookup time using persistent connections ╠σ▀∙≤τ ≈±ⁿφ∩⌡ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ ΩßΘ ⌠²≡∩⌡ ßφßµ▐⌠τ≤τ≥ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤Θ■φ, Ω▄φ∩φ⌠ß≥ ≈±▐≤τ ≤⌡φσ≈■φ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σ∙φ Retries ╨±∩≤≡▄ΦσΘσ≥ Size limit ╝±Θ∩ ∞σπ▌Φ∩⌡≥ Max size of any HTML file (B) ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ πΘß Ω▄Φσ HTML Max size of any non-HTML file ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ πΘß Ω▄Φσ ∞τ HTML ß±≈σ▀∩ Max site size ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩ ∞▌πσΦ∩≥ ΣΘΩ⌠⌡ßΩ∩² ⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡ Max time ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩≥ ≈±ⁿφ∩≥ Save prefs ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ≡±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σ∙φ Max transfer rate ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩≥ ±⌡Φ∞ⁿ≥ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▄≥ Follow robots.txt ┴Ω∩δ∩²Φτ≤σ ⌠∩ robots.txt No external pages ╫∙±▀≥ σε∙⌠σ±ΘΩ▌≥ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ Do not purge old files ╘ß ≡ßδΘ▄ ß±≈σ▀ß φß ∞τφ ≤Γ▐φ∩φ⌠ßΘ Accept cookies ┴≡∩Σ∩≈▐ ⌠∙φ cookies Check document type ╕δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠²≡∩⌡ σππ±▄÷∩⌡ Parse java files ╨▄±≤Θ∞∩ ß±≈σ▀∙φ java Store ALL files in cache ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ╝╦┘═ ⌠∙φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ ≤⌠τφ cache Tolerant requests (for servers) ┴φσΩ⌠ΘΩⁿ⌠τ⌠ß ≤⌠Θ≥ ßΘ⌠▐≤σΘ≥ (πΘß σε⌡≡τ±σ⌠τ⌠▐) Update hack (limit re-transfers) ╘±ΘΩ ßφßφ▌∙≤τ≥ (≡σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ ßφßφσ■≤σ∙φ) URL hacks (join similar URLs) ╘±ΘΩ πΘß ⌠ß URLs (Φσ∙±∩²φ⌠ßΘ ▀ΣΘß ⌠ß ≡ß±ⁿ∞∩Θß) Force old HTTP/1.0 requests (no 1.1) ┼εßφßπΩß≤∞ⁿ≥ ≡ßδΘ■φ HTTP/1.0 ßΘ⌠▐≤σ∙φ (ⁿ≈Θ 1.1) Max connections / seconds ╠▌πΘ≤⌠σ≥ ≤⌡φΣ▌≤σΘ≥ / Σσ⌡⌠σ±ⁿδσ≡⌠∩ Maximum number of links ╠▌πΘ≤⌠∩≥ ß±ΘΦ∞ⁿ≥ ß≡ⁿ links Pause after downloading.. ╨ß²≤τ ∞σ⌠▄ ⌠∩ Ωß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß... Hide passwords ┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ δ▌εσ∙φ-ΩδσΘΣΘ■φ Hide query strings ┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ ≈ß±ßΩ⌠▐±∙φ ßφßµ▐⌠τ≤τ≥ Links Links Build ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß Experts Only ╠ⁿφ∩ πΘß ▌∞≡σΘ±∩⌡≥ Flow Control ╕δσπ≈∩≥ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±■φ Limits ╝±Θß Browser ID ╘ß⌡⌠ⁿ⌠τ⌠ß σεσ±σ⌡φτ⌠▐ Scan Rules ╩ßφⁿφσ≥ °ßε▀∞ß⌠∩≥ Spider ┴φΘ≈φσ⌡⌠▐≥ Log, Index, Cache ┴±≈σ▀∩ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥, ╨σ±Θσ≈ⁿ∞σφß, Cache Proxy Proxy MIME Types ╘²≡∩Θ MIME Do you really want to quit WinHTTrack Website Copier? ╚▌δσ⌠σ ≡±▄π∞ß⌠Θ φß σπΩß⌠ßδσ▀°σ⌠σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack Website Copier; Do not connect to a provider (already connected) ═ß ∞τφ π▀φσΘ ≤²φΣσ≤τ (⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ▐Στ) Do not use remote access connection ═ß ∞τ π▀φσΘ ≈±▐≤τ ß≡∩∞ßΩ±⌡≤∞▌φτ≥ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ Schedule the mirroring operation ╨±∩π±ß∞∞ß⌠Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ (≈±∩φΘΩ▄) ⌠τ≥ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß≥ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥ Quit WinHTTrack Website Copier ┼πΩß⌠▄δσΘ°τ ⌠∩⌡ WinHTTrack Website Copier Back to starting page ╨▀≤∙ ≤⌠τφ ß±≈ΘΩ▐ ≤σδ▀Σß Click to start! ╩δΘΩ πΘß ▌φß±ετ! No saved password for this connection! ─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ß≡∩ΦτΩσ⌡∞▌φ∩ ≤⌡φΦτ∞ß⌠ΘΩⁿ πΘß ß⌡⌠▐ ⌠τ ≤²φΣσ≤τ! Can not get remote connection settings ┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ δ▐°τ ⌠∙φ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ ⌠τ≥ ß≡∩∞ßΩ±⌡≤∞▌φτ≥ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ Select a connection provider ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ ≤²φΣσ≤τ Start ╕φß±ετ Please adjust connection parameters if necessary,\nthen press FINISH to launch the mirroring operation. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤⌠σ ⌠Θ≥ ≡ß±ß∞▌⌠±∩⌡≥ ⌠τ≥ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ ßφ σ▀φßΘ ß≡ß±ß▀⌠τ⌠∩ ΩßΘ ∞σ⌠▄ ≡ß⌠▐≤⌠σ ╘┼╦╧╙ πΘß φß εσΩΘφ▐≤σΘ τ ΣΘßΣΘΩß≤▀ß ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐≥. Save settings only, do not launch download now. ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∙φ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ, ≈∙±▀≥ ▌φß±ετ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▄≥. On hold ┴φß∞∩φ▐ Transfer scheduled for: (hh/mm/ss) ╟ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▄ ≡±∩π±ß∞∞ß⌠▀≤⌠τΩσ πΘß: (hh/mm/ss) Start ╕φß±ετ Connect to provider (RAS) ╙²φΣσ≤τ ∞σ ⌠∩ Internet Connect to this provider ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ Disconnect when finished ┴≡∩≤²φΣσ≤τ ≤⌠∩ ⌠▌δ∩≥ Disconnect modem on completion ┴≡∩≤²φΣσ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ modem ≤⌠∩ ⌠▌δ∩≥ \r\n(Please notify us of any bug or problem)\r\n\r\nDevelopment:\r\nInterface (Windows): Xavier Roche\r\nSpider: Xavier Roche\r\nJavaParserClasses: Yann Philippot\r\n\r\n(C)1998-2003 Xavier Roche and other contributors\r\nMANY THANKS for translation tips to:\r\nRobert Lagadec (rlagadec@yahoo.fr) \r\n(╨ß±ßΩßδ■ φß ∞ß≥ σφτ∞σ±■≤σ⌠σ πΘß Ω▄Φσ ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß ▐ bug)\r\n\r\n┴φ▄≡⌠⌡ετ:\r\nInterface (Windows): Xavier Roche\r\nSpider: Xavier Roche\r\nJavaParserClasses: Yann Philippot\r\n\r\n(C)1998-2003 Xavier Roche and other contributors\r\nMANY THANKS for Greek translations to:\r\nMichael Papadakis (mikepap at freemail dot gr) About WinHTTrack Website Copier ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩ▄ ∞σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack Website Copier Please visit our Web page ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σ≡Θ≤Ωσ⌡Φσ▀⌠σ ⌠τφ ≤σδ▀Σß ∞ß≥ Wizard query ┴φßµ▐⌠τ≤τ ∞σ Γ∩τΦⁿ Your answer: ╟ ß≡▄φ⌠τ≤▐ ≤ß≥: Link detected.. ┴φßΩßδ²÷ΦτΩσ link. Choose a rule ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ Ωßφⁿφß Ignore this link ┴πφⁿτ≤τ ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ link Ignore directory ┴πφⁿτ≤τ ÷ßΩ▌δ∩⌡ Ignore domain ┴πφⁿτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ domain Catch this page only ╨▄±≤Θ∞∩ ∞ⁿφ∩ ß⌡⌠▐≥ ⌠τ≥ ≤σδ▀Σß≥ Mirror site ┴φ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ Mirror domain ┴φ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐ ⌠∩⌡ domain Ignore all ┴πφⁿτ≤τ ⁿδ∙φ Wizard query ┴φßµ▐⌠τ≤τ ∞σ Γ∩τΦⁿ NO ╧╫╔ File ┴±≈σ▀∩ Options ┼≡Θδ∩π▌≥ Log ┴±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ Help ┬∩▐ΦσΘß Pause transfer ╨ß²≤τ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±▄≥ Exit ╕ε∩Σ∩≥ Modify options ╘±∩≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ σ≡Θδ∩π■φ View log ╨±∩Γ∩δ▐ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ View error log ╨±∩Γ∩δ▐ δßΦ■φ View file transfers ╨±∩Γ∩δ▐ ∞σ⌠ß÷∩±■φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ Hide ┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ About WinHTTrack Website Copier ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩ▄ ∞σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack Website Copier Check program updates... ╕δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß φ▌ß ▌ΩΣ∩≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∩π±▄∞∞ß⌠∩≥... &Toolbar &╠≡▄±ß σ±πßδσ▀∙φ &Status Bar ╠≡▄±ß &Ωß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ≥ S&plit &╫■±Θ≤∞ß File ┴±≈σ▀∩ Preferences ╨±∩⌠Θ∞▐≤σΘ≥ Mirror ┴φ⌠▀π±ß÷∩ Log ┴±≈σ▀∩ πσπ∩φⁿ⌠∙φ Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ Help ┬∩▐ΦσΘß Exit ╕ε∩Σ∩≥ Load default options ╓ⁿ±⌠∙∞ß ≡±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φ∙φ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ Save default options ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ≡±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φ∙φ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ Reset to default options ┼≡ßφß÷∩±▄ ≤⌠Θ≥ ≡±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φσ≥ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ Load options... ╓ⁿ±⌠∙∞ß ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ... Save options as... ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ ∙≥... Language preference... ╨±∩⌠▀∞τ≤τ πδ■≤≤ß≥... Contents... ╨σ±Θσ≈ⁿ∞σφß... About WinHTTrack... ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩ▄ ∞σ ⌠∩ WinHTTrack... New project\tCtrl+N ═▌ß σ±πß≤▀ß\tCtrl+N &Open...\tCtrl+O ó&φ∩Θπ∞ß...\tCtrl+O &Save\tCtrl+S &┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ\tCtrl+S Save &As... ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ &∙≥... &Delete... &─Θßπ±ß÷▐... &Browse sites... &╨δ∩▐πτ≤τ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤Θ■φ... User-defined structure ─∩∞▐ ∩±Θ≤∞▌φτ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ %n\tName of file without file type (ex: image)\r\n%N\tName of file including file type (ex: image.gif)\r\n%t\tFile type only (ex: gif)\r\n%p\tPath [without ending /] (ex: /someimages)\r\n%h\tHost name (ex: www.someweb.com)\r\n%M\tMD5 URL (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%Q\tMD5 query string (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%q\tMD5 small query string (16 bits, 4 ascii bytes)\r\n\r\n%s?\tShort name (ex: %sN) %n\t╝φ∩∞ß ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ≈∙±▀≥ ⌠∩φ ⌠²≡∩ ⌠∩⌡ (≡≈: image)\r\n%N\t╝φ∩∞ß ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ∞σ ⌠∩φ ⌠²≡∩ ⌠∩⌡ (≡≈: image.gif)\r\n%t\t╘²≡∩≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ∞ⁿφ∩ (≡≈: gif)\r\n%p\t─ΘßΣ±∩∞▐ [≈∙±▀≥ / ≤⌠∩ ⌠▌δ∩≥] (≡≈: /someimages)\r\n%h\t╝φ∩∞ß ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ (≡≈: www.someweb.com)\r\n%M\tMD5 URL (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%Q\tMD5 ÷±▄≤τ ßφßµ▐⌠τ≤τ≥ (128 bits, 32 ascii bytes)\r\n%q\tMD5 ∞ΘΩ±▐ ÷±▄≤τ ßφßµ▐⌠τ≤τ≥ (16 bits, 4 ascii bytes)\r\n\r\n%s?\t╠ΘΩ±ⁿ ⁿφ∩∞ß ⁿ≡∙≥ ≤⌠∩ DOS (≡≈: %sN) Example:\t%h%p/%n%q.%t\n->\t\tc:\\mirror\\www.someweb.com\\someimages\\image.gif ╨ß±▄ΣσΘπ∞ß:\t%h%p/%n%q.%t\n->\t\tc:\\mirror\\www.someweb.com\\someimages\\image.gif Proxy settings ╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ proxy Proxy address: ─Θσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ proxy: Proxy port: Port ⌠∩⌡ proxy: Authentication (only if needed) ┴⌡Φσφ⌠ΘΩ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ (∞ⁿφ∩ ßφ ≈±σΘ▄µσ⌠ßΘ) Login ╝φ∩∞ß ≈±▐≤⌠τ Password ╩∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥ Enter proxy address here ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ⌠τφ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ proxy σΣ■ Enter proxy port here ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ⌠τφ port ⌠∩⌡ proxy σΣ■ Enter proxy login ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß ≈±▐≤⌠τ ⌠∩⌡ proxy Enter proxy password ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ⌠∩ ≤⌡φΦτ∞ß⌠ΘΩⁿ ⌠∩⌡ proxy Enter project name here ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß ⌠τ≥ σ±πß≤▀ß≥ σΣ■ Enter saving path here ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ⌠τ ΣΘßΣ±∩∞▐ ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ≥ σΣ■ Select existing project to update ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ σ±πß≤▀ß≥ πΘß ßφßφ▌∙≤τ Click here to select path ╩δΘΩ σΣ■ πΘß σ≡Θδ∩π▐ ΣΘßΣ±∩∞▐≥ Select or create a new category name, to sort your mirrors in categories ┼≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ ▐ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▐≤⌠σ ▌φß φ▌∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß Ωß⌠τπ∩±▀ß, πΘß φß Ωß⌠ß⌠▄εσ⌠σ ⌠ß ßφ⌠▀π±ß÷▄ ≤ß≥ ≤σ Ωß⌠τπ∩±▀σ≥ HTTrack Project Wizard... ┬∩τΦⁿ≥ Στ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß≥ σ±πß≤▀ß≥ HTTrack... New project name: ═▌∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß σ±πß≤▀ß≥: Existing project name: ╒≡▄±≈∙φ ⁿφ∩∞ß σ±πß≤▀ß≥: Project name: ╝φ∩∞ß σ±πß≤▀ß≥: Base path: ┴±≈ΘΩ▐ ΣΘßΣ±∩∞▐: Project category: ╩ß⌠τπ∩±▀ß σ±πß≤▀ß≥: C:\\My Web Sites C:\\╧Θ ╘∩≡∩Φσ≤▀σ≥ ∞∩⌡ Type a new project name, \r\nor select existing project to update/resume ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ▌φß φ▌∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß σ±πß≤▀ß≥, \r\n▐ σ≡Θδ▌ε⌠σ ∞▀ß ⌡≡▄±≈∩⌡≤ß σ±πß≤▀ß πΘß ßφßφ▌∙≤τ/≤⌡φ▌≈Θ≤τ New project ═▌ß σ±πß≤▀ß Insert URL ╘∩≡∩Φ▌⌠τ≤τ URL URL: URL: Authentication (only if needed) ┴⌡Φσφ⌠ΘΩ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ (∞ⁿφ∩ ßφ ≈±σΘ▄µσ⌠ßΘ) Login ╝φ∩∞ß ≈±▐≤⌠τ Password ╩∙ΣΘΩ▐ δ▌ετ Forms or complex links: ╓ⁿ±∞σ≥ ▐ ≤²φΦσ⌠ß links: Capture URL... ╙²δδτ°τ URL... Enter URL address(es) here ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ URL ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ(σΘ≥) σΣ■ Enter site login ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ⁿφ∩∞ß ≈±▐≤⌠τ πΘß ⌠τφ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß Enter site password ╘∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ≤⌡φΦτ∞ß⌠ΘΩⁿ πΘß ⌠τφ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß Use this capture tool for links that can only be accessed through forms or javascript code ╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤⌠σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ σ±πßδσ▀∩ ≤²δδτ°τ≥ πΘß links ≡∩⌡ ∞≡∩±∩²φ φß ≡±∩≤≡σδß≤⌠∩²φ ∞ⁿφ∩ ∞▌≤ß ß≡ⁿ ÷ⁿ±∞σ≥ ▐ Ω■ΣΘΩß javascript Choose language according to preference ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ πδ■≤≤ß≥ ≤²∞÷∙φß ∞σ ⌠τφ ≡±∩⌠▀∞τ≤τ Catch URL! ╙²δδτ°τ URL! Please set temporary browser proxy settings to the following values (Copy/Paste Proxy Address and Port).\nThen click on the Form SUBMIT button in your browser page, or click on the specific link you want to capture. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ⌠σ▀≤⌠σ ≡±∩≤∙±Θφ▄ ⌠Θ≥ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ proxy ⌠∩⌡ browser ≤ß≥ ≤⌠Θ≥ ßΩⁿδ∩⌡Φσ≥ ⌠Θ∞▌≥ (┴φ⌠Θπ±▄°⌠σ/┼≡ΘΩ∩δδ▐≤⌠σ ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ proxy ΩßΘ port).\n╠σ⌠▄ ΩδΘΩ ≤⌠∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ ß≡∩≤⌠∩δ▐≥ ⌠τ≥ ÷ⁿ±∞ß≥, ≤⌠τφ ≤σδ▀Σß ⌠∩⌡ browser ≤ß≥ ▐ ΩδΘΩ ≤⌠∩ ≤⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞▌φ∩ link ≡∩⌡ Φ▌δσ⌠σ φß ≤⌡δδτ÷Φσ▀. This will send the desired link from your browser to WinHTTrack. ┴⌡⌠ⁿ Φß ≤⌠σ▀δσΘ ⌠∩ σ≡ΘΦ⌡∞τ⌠ⁿ link ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ browser ≤ß≥ ≤⌠∩ WinHTTrack. ABORT ╠┴╘┴╔┘╙╟ Copy/Paste the temporary proxy parameters here ┴φ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐/┼≡ΘΩⁿδδτ≤τ ⌠∙φ ≡±∩≤∙±Θφ■φ ≡ß±ß∞▌⌠±∙φ ⌠∩⌡ proxy σΣ■ Cancel ┴Ω²±∙≤τ Unable to find Help files! ┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ σ²±σ≤τ ß±≈σ▀∙φ Γ∩τΦσ▀ß≥! Unable to save parameters! ┴Σ²φß⌠τ τ ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∙φ ≡ß±ß∞▌⌠±∙φ! Please drag only one folder at a time ╙ß≥ ≡ß±ßΩßδ■ φß ⌠±ßΓ▄⌠σ ∞ⁿφ∩ ▌φß ÷▄Ωσδ∩ ⌠τ ÷∩±▄ Please drag only folders, not files ╙ß≥ ≡ß±ßΩßδ■ φß ⌠±ßΓ▄⌠σ ∞ⁿφ∩ ÷ßΩ▌δ∩⌡≥, ⁿ≈Θ ß±≈σ▀ß Please drag folders only ╙ß≥ ≡ß±ßΩßδ■ φß ⌠±ßΓ▄⌠σ ∞ⁿφ∩ ÷ßΩ▌δ∩⌡≥ Select user-defined structure? ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ Σ∩∞▐≥ ∩±Θ≤∞▌φτ≥ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ Please ensure that the user-defined-string is correct,\notherwise filenames will be bogus! ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σ≡ΘΓσΓßΘ■≤⌠σ ≡∙≥ τ ∩±Θ≤∞▌φτ ÷±▄≤τ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ σ▀φßΘ ≤∙≤⌠▐,\nßδδΘ■≥ ⌠ß ∩φⁿ∞ß⌠ß ß±≈σ▀∙φ Φß σ▀φßΘ δßφΦß≤∞▌φß! Do you really want to use a user-defined structure? ╚▌δσ⌠σ ≡±▄π∞ß⌠Θ φß ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤σ⌠σ ∞▀ß Σ∩∞▐ ∩±Θ≤∞▌φτ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ; Too manu URLs, cannot handle so many links!! ╨▄±ß ≡∩δδ▄ URLs, Σσφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ΣΘß≈σ▀±Θ≤τ ⌠ⁿ≤∙φ ≡∩δδ■φ links! Not enough memory, fatal internal error.. ─σφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ ß±Ωσ⌠▐ ∞φ▐∞τ, σ≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩⁿ Ωß⌠ß≤⌠±∩÷ΘΩⁿ ≤÷▄δ∞ß... Unknown operation! óπφ∙≤⌠τ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀ß! Add this URL?\r\n ╨±ⁿ≤Φσ≤τ ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ URL;\r\n Warning: main process is still not responding, cannot add URL(s).. ╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ: ╘∩ Ω⌡±▀∙≥ process ßΩⁿ∞ß Σσφ ßφ⌠ß≡∩Ω±▀φσ⌠ßΘ, Σσφ π▀φσ⌠ßΘ φß ≡±∩≤⌠σΦ∩²φ URL(s)... Type/MIME associations ╘²≡∩≥/MIME ΣΘß≤⌡φΣ▌≤σΘ≥ File types: ╘²≡∩Θ ß±≈σ▀∙φ: MIME identity: ╘ß⌡⌠ⁿ⌠τ⌠ß MIME: Select or modify your file type(s) here ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ▐ ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ⌠∩⌡(∙φ) ß±≈σ▀∩⌡(∙φ) σΣ■ Select or modify your MIME type(s) here ┼≡Θδ∩π▐ ▐ ⌠±∩≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ⌠∩⌡(∙φ) MIME ⌠²≡∩⌡(∙φ) σΣ■ Go up ╨▐πßΘφσ ≡▄φ∙ Go down ╨▐πßΘφσ Ω▄⌠∙ File download information ╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ Ωß⌠σΓ▄≤∞ß⌠∩≥ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ Freeze Window ╨▄π∙∞ß ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ More information: ╨σ±Θ≤≤ⁿ⌠σ±σ≥ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ Welcome to WinHTTrack Website Copier!\n\nPlease click on the NEXT button to\n\n- start a new project\n- or resume a partial download ╩ßδ■≥ ▐±Φß⌠σ ≤⌠∩ WinHTTrack Website Copier!\n\n╨ß±ßΩßδ■ Ω▄φ⌠σ ΩδΘΩ ≤⌠∩ Ω∩⌡∞≡▀ ┼≡ⁿ∞σφ∩ πΘß φß\n\n- εσΩΘφ▐≤σ⌠σ ∞▀ß φ▌ß σ±πß≤▀ß\n- ▐ φß ≤⌡φσ≈▀≤σ⌠σ ∞▀ß ≡±∩τπ∩²∞σφτ σ±πß≤▀ß File names with extension:\nFile names containing:\nThis file name:\nFolder names containing:\nThis folder name:\nLinks on this domain:\nLinks on domains containing:\nLinks from this host:\nLinks containing:\nThis link:\nALL LINKS ┴±≈σ▀ß ∞σ Ωß⌠▄δτετ:\n┴±≈σ▀ß ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θδß∞Γ▄φ∩⌡φ:\n╝φ∩∞ß ß±≈σ▀∩⌡:\n╓▄Ωσδ∩Θ ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θδß∞Γ▄φ∩⌡φ:\n╝φ∩∞ß ÷ßΩ▌δ∩⌡:\nLinks ≤σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ domain:\nLinks ≤σ domains ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θδß∞Γ▄φ∩⌡φ:\nLinks ß≡ⁿ ß⌡⌠▐φ ⌠τφ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß:\nLinks ≡∩⌡ ≡σ±Θδß∞Γ▄φ∩⌡φ:\n┴⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ link:\n╧╦┴ ╘┴ LINKS Show all\nHide debug\nHide infos\nHide debug and infos ╨±∩Γ∩δ▐ ⁿδ∙φ\n┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ ß≡∩≤÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙≤τ≥\n┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ ≡δτ±∩÷∩±Θ■φ\n┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ ß≡∩≤÷ßδ∞. ΩßΘ ≡δτ±∩÷. Site-structure (default)\nHtml in web/, images/other files in web/images/\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/images\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/\nHtml in web/, images/other in web/xxx, where xxx is the file extension\nHtml in web/html, images/other in web/xxx\nSite-structure, without www.domain.xxx/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other files in site_name/images/\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/images\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/\nHtml in site_name/, images/other in site_name/xxx\nHtml in site_name/html, images/other in site_name/xxx\nAll files in web/, with random names (gadget !)\nAll files in site_name/, with random names (gadget !)\nUser-defined structure.. ─∩∞▐ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ (≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐)\nHtml ≤⌠∩ web/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ web/images/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ web/html, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ web/images/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ web/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ web/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ web/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ web/xxx/, ⁿ≡∩⌡ xxx τ Ωß⌠▄δτετ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡\nHtml ≤⌠∩ web/html/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ web/xxx/\n─∩∞▐ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥, ≈∙±▀≥ www.domain.xxx/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/images/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/html/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/images/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/xxx/\nHtml ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/html/, σΘΩⁿφσ≥/▄δδß ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/xxx/\n╝δß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß ≤⌠∩ web/, ∞σ ⌠⌡≈ß▀ß ∩φⁿ∞ß⌠ß (gadget !)\n╝δß ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß ≤⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß_⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡/, ∞σ ⌠⌡≈ß▀ß ∩φⁿ∞ß⌠ß (gadget !)\n─∩∞▐ ΩßΦ∩±Θ≤∞▌φτ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ≈±▐≤⌠τ... Just scan\nStore html files\nStore non html files\nStore all files (default)\nStore html files first ╠ⁿφ∩ °▄εΘ∞∩\n┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ß±≈σ▀∙φ html\n┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ß±≈σ▀∙φ σΩ⌠ⁿ≥ ß≡ⁿ html\n┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⁿδ∙φ (≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐)\n┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ≡±■⌠ß ß±≈σ▀∙φ html Stay in the same directory\nCan go down (default)\nCan go up\nCan both go up & down ╨ß±ß∞∩φ▐ ≤⌠∩φ ▀ΣΘ∩ ÷▄Ωσδ∩\n╠≡∩±σ▀ φß ≡▄σΘ Ω▄⌠∙ (≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐)\n╠≡∩±σ▀ φß ≡▄σΘ ≡▄φ∙\n╠≡∩±σ▀ φß ≡▄σΘ ΩßΘ ≡▄φ∙ ΩßΘ Ω▄⌠∙ Stay on the same address (default)\nStay on the same domain\nStay on the same top level domain\nGo everywhere on the web ╨ß±ß∞∩φ▐ ≤⌠τφ ▀ΣΘß ΣΘσ²Φ⌡φ≤τ (≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐)\n╨ß±ß∞∩φ▐ ≤⌠∩ ▀ΣΘ∩ domain\n╨ß±ß∞∩φ▐ ≤⌠∩ ▀ΣΘ∩ domain 1∩⌡ σ≡Θ≡▌Σ∩⌡\n╧≡∩⌡Σ▐≡∩⌠σ ≤⌠∩ Web Never\nIf unknown (except /)\nIf unknown ╨∩⌠▌\n╙σ ▄πφ∙≤⌠ß (σΩ⌠ⁿ≥ /)\n╙σ ▄πφ∙≤⌠ß no robots.txt rules\nrobots.txt except wizard\nfollow robots.txt rules ≈∙±▀≥ Ωßφⁿφσ≥ robots.txt\nrobots.txt σΩ⌠ⁿ≥ Γ∩τΦ∩²\n≈±▐≤τ Ωßφⁿφ∙φ robots.txt normal\nextended\ndebug Ωßφ∩φΘΩⁿ\nσΩ⌠σ⌠ß∞▌φ∩\nß≡∩≤÷ßδ∞▄⌠∙≤τ≥ Download web site(s)\nDownload web site(s) + questions\nGet individual files\nDownload all sites in pages (multiple mirror)\nTest links in pages (bookmark test)\n* Continue interrupted download\n* Update existing download ╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥(■φ)\n╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥(■φ) + σ±∙⌠▐≤σΘ≥\n╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß εσ≈∙±Θ≤⌠■φ ß±≈σ▀∙φ\n╩ß⌠▌Γß≤∞ß ⁿδ∙φ ⌠∙φ ⌠ⁿ≡∙φ ≤⌠Θ≥ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ (≡∩δδß≡δ▄ ßφ⌠▀π±ß÷ß)\n╕δσπ≈∩≥ links ≤⌠Θ≥ ≤σδ▀Σσ≥ (▌δσπ≈∩≥ ßπß≡τ∞▌φ∙φ)\n* ╙⌡φ▌≈Θ≤τ ∞Θ≤∩⌠σδσΘ∙∞▌φ∩⌡ Ωß⌠σΓ▄≤∞ß⌠∩≥\n* ┴φßφ▌∙≤τ ⌡≡▄±≈∩⌡≤ß≥ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß≥ Relative URI / Absolute URL (default)\nAbsolute URL / Absolute URL\nAbsolute URI / Absolute URL\nOriginal URL / Original URL ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩⁿ URI / ┴≡ⁿδ⌡⌠∩ URL (≡±∩σ≡Θδ∩π▐)\n┴≡ⁿδ⌡⌠∩ URL / ┴≡ⁿδ⌡⌠∩ URL\n┴≡ⁿδ⌡⌠∩ URI / ┴≡ⁿδ⌡⌠∩ URL\n╨±∙⌠ⁿ⌠⌡≡∩ URL / ╨±∙⌠ⁿ⌠⌡≡∩ URL Open Source offline browser ┼εσ±σ⌡φτ⌠▐≥ ßφ∩Θ≈⌠∩² Ω■ΣΘΩß ≈∙±▀≥ ßφ▄πΩτ ≤²φΣσ≤τ≥ Website Copier/Offline Browser. Copy remote websites to your computer. Free. Website Copier/Offline Browser. ┴φ⌠Θπ±▄°⌠σ ß≡∩∞ßΩ±⌡≤∞▌φσ≥ ⌠∩≡∩Φσ≤▀σ≥ ≤⌠∩φ ⌡≡∩δ∩πΘ≤⌠▐ ≤ß≥. ┼δσ²Φσ±ß-─∙±σ▄φ. httrack, winhttrack, webhttrack, offline browser httrack, winhttrack, webhttrack, offline browser URL list (.txt) ╦▀≤⌠ß URL (.txt) Previous ╨±∩τπ∩²∞σφ∩ Next ┼≡ⁿ∞σφ∩ URLs URLs Warning ╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩▀τ≤τ Your browser does not currently support javascript. For better results, please use a javascript-aware browser. ╧ σεσ±σ⌡φτ⌠▐≥ ≤ß≥ Σσφ (÷ß▀φσ⌠ßΘ φß) ⌡≡∩≤⌠τ±▀µσΘ javascript. ├Θß Ωßδ²⌠σ±ß ß≡∩⌠σδ▌≤∞ß⌠ß, ≡ß±ßΩßδ■ ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤⌠σ ▌φßφ javascript-σφσ±πⁿ σεσ±σ⌡φτ⌠▐. Thank you ╙ß≥ σ⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠■ You can now close this window ╘■±ß ∞≡∩±σ▀⌠σ φß Ωδσ▀≤σ⌠σ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ Server terminated ┴Ω⌡±■ΦτΩσ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ σε⌡≡τ±σ⌠τ⌠▐ A fatal error has occured during this mirror ╕φß Ωß⌠ß≤⌠±∩÷ΘΩⁿ ≤÷▄δ∞ß ≡±∩Ωδ▐ΦτΩσ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ ßφ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐ ß⌡⌠∩² ⌠∩⌡ ⌠ⁿ≡∩⌡